Category Archives: my kid just said

Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning’s End

Earlier this year, I told my sister-in-law a cute anecdote about something BB#1 had said just before his brother was born. As we shared a laugh, I didn’t really notice that the boy himself had gotten up and left the room.

So I’ll admit, I was a bit floored to discover later that he was angry with me–for telling a story about him without asking first. I didn’t consider the story an embarrassing one at all–it has never been my intention to make my children the butt of a joke or to humiliate them in any way, and I abhor the child-shaming that seems to be so rampant online these days (have some foresight, parents!) In actual fact, the point of telling the story had been to show what a clever toddler he had been! But I suddenly remembered being his age, and how I felt at being the topic of conversation–or more specifically, the source of humour–among adults, and I could relate.

It was probably around the same time that I read this post by Tracy Chappell: Why I’m Breaking Up With My Blog. As an editor and writer for Today’s Parent, Tracy had blogged long before I jumped in. And not for the first time, my friend made me think. Although I had purposely kept the boys anonymous online, hadn’t used their photos, and wasn’t writing for the size of audience she had (*waves to reader: hi, Mom!*) I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was right: that the older my kids get, the less their stories are mine to tell.

So although I’ve never been the most consistent of bloggers anyway, I found it more and more difficult to come up with posts that didn’t make me wonder, “would my son(s) want me to share this?” I suppose I could have just asked them, but really, as Jennifer Pinarski points out in her own blog (suggested reading for new parent bloggers!), that’s expecting a child to make an adult decision.

When I started this blog, I wasn’t sure of my focus–would this be a “mommy blog“, or a collection of thoughts on random topics? My most popular and most commonly shared posts have been those about reading. And when visitors discover my blog through search terms, it tends to be in their quest for information about PFAPA. When the boys first started having these periodic fevers, there wasn’t much about the condition online, so I chose to share our stories in the hopes of helping other families dealing with it. I hope that I have.

In 2015, my top five posts have been:

But the fact is, this blog is called Mum2BeautifulBoys. And as I wrote early on, one of the main reasons I started blogging was to keep a record of some of the little things about parenting I would otherwise forget over the years if they weren’t written down. So while I’ve explored other topics, it has usually been through my parent-lens. And if I want to shift my boys’ stories offline, I’m not sure M2BB has a reason to exist any more.

So what does this mean for 2016? I’m not sure. I will continue writing, but I may need to create a new space, with a new focus, and a new name (got any good ideas?) And pick up a pen to record my family’s more private moments.

In the meantime, Happy New Year, Mom! 😉


*These posts are apparently “out” for 2016.


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Filed under breastfeeding, education, house hunting, moving, my kid just said, parenting, PFAPA, privacy, random, reading, real estate, the beautiful boys

Twenty Questions (2015 Version)

Inspired by my late friend, Tracy Chappell, I ask the boys the same twenty questions each year around their birthdays. It’s a fun tradition (they now ask, “when do we answer those questions?” and insist I include pauses and “ums”!) and I love comparing how their responses change (or don’t!) year over year. So in honour of BB#1’s eleventh birthday (I can’t believe it’s been a year since I wrote him this! or that his baby brother is going on eight!), I’m finally posting (it’s been a busy year, more about that later!)

Look back at:




1.What is your favourite color?

BB#1: Green. I think.

BB#2: Probably, I don’t know, purple.

2. What is your favourite toy?

BB#1: Lego?

BB#2: Lego and my Bionicle six arms awesome guy.

3. What is your favourite fruit?

BB#1: Peaches I guess?

BB#2: Peaches and strawberries.

4. What is your favourite TV show?

BB#1: Wakfu. That’s pretty much the only TV show that I watch. [This is a French show he watched on Netflix this summer. We don’t have cable.]

BB#2: (long pause) I don’t know. [See above]

5. What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch?

BB#1: I have no idea. Crepes I guess.

BB#2: Pizza.

6. What is your favourite outfit?

BB#1: My black pants that are like jeans and a t-shirt, and maybe a hoodie with a zipper.

BB#2: My all-black outfit.

7. What is your favourite game?

BB#1: I going to say a board game because that’s easier. I think Apples to Apples.

BB#2: Spore. [A computer video game]

8. What is your favourite snack?

BB#1: Crackers and cheese.

BB#2: Dried mangoes.

9. What is your favourite animal?

BB#1: Crested gecko. That one’s easy.

BB#2: A snake. [He wants a milk snake as a pet…]

10. What is your favourite song?

BB#1: I can’t decide between “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zepplin or “One” by Metallica.

BB#2: “Lose Yourself” by Eminem.

11. What is your favourite book?

BB#1: The Kill Order from the Maze Runner series.

BB#2: Harry Potter. [We’re currently reading Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix together.]

12. Who is your best friend?

BB#1: I don’t have a best friend, I have only a bunch of friends.

BB#2: I have two, Jason and Kian.

13. What is your favourite sport?

BB#1: Snowboarding.

BB#2: Basketball, soccer and football.

 14. What is your favourite thing to do outside?

BB#1: Snowboard.

BB#2: Swimming and biking.

15. What is your favourite drink?

BB#1: Pina colada.

BB#2: Lime smoothies, like the ones at Cuba. [Where we spent March Break, and also drank pina coladas. Virgin, naturally!]

16. What is your favourite holiday?

BB#1: Christmas? No, Halloween, Halloween is my favourite holiday.

BB#2: My birthday. [Last I checked, still not a national holiday…]

 17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?

BB#1: My big dog.

BB#2: My one of my tiny dogs and my biggest dog.

Note: all of these dogs are of the stuffed variety.

 18. What is your favourite thing to eat for breakfast?

BB#1: A bagel with cheese. Unless it’s a super egg sandwich, with ribs on it and bacon and cheese. Because I love that.

BB#2: Waffles!

 19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?

BB#1: (shrugs) Steak I guess. I can’t decide. We kind of eat everything that’s special treat dinner every few weeks. So steak or salmon. [We’re having steak.]

BB#2: Pizza, ribs, or filet mignon.

 20. What do you want to be when you grow up?

BB#1: A rock star? Or a professional snowboarder.

BB#2: A singer.

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Filed under favourites, my kid just said, random, the beautiful boys, traditions

My Kid Just Said (Part 38)

Playing the app Head’s Up. The card is “Road Rage”. Our hints:

“When you’re driving…”

“…someone’s really angry…” [shakes fist]

“…might yell ‘you idiot!’…”

BB#2’s guess?

“Bus driver!”

In case you were wondering what it’s like riding on a school bus these days.

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Filed under education, my kid just said, random, schools, the beautiful boys

My Kid Just Said (Part 37)

“Mom, without you, I’d be nothing. Literally.” BB#2, 7 years old, just before bed.

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Filed under my kid just said, night-time parenting, parenting, the beautiful boys

Twenty Questions (2014 version)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Okay maybe not quite. It’s the time between the boys’ birthdays when I ask them the same twenty questions and compare their answers with the previous year (and the year before that.)

1.What is your favourite color?

BB#1: Green.

BB#2: Green.

2. What is your favourite toy?

BB#1: Lego.

BB#2: My bike.

3. What is your favourite fruit?

BB#1: Nectarine.

BB#2: I love fruit, so just say all of them.

4. What is your favourite TV show?

BB#1: Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey.

BB#2: Batman videos after you play a bunch of games. [Lego Batman game on the Wii]

5. What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch?

BB#1: Quesadilla or grilled cheese sandwich.

BB#2: Chicken wraps.

6. What is your favourite outfit?

BB#1: Black jeans, purple sweater and my orange Puma shirt. [This is in fact the same purple hoodie he got for his eighth birthday–it wasn’t cheap but he has definitely gotten a lot of wear out of it!]

BB#2: I have no idea.

7. What is your favourite game?

BB#1: Eternity Warriors .

BB#2: Manhunt.

8. What is your favourite snack?

BB#1: Extreme Cheddar Fish Crackers (“you aren’t doing the ums!”)

BB#2: Fruit.

9. What is your favourite animal?

BB#1: Crested gecko.

BB#2: I don’t have one, they’re all so awesome.

10. What is your favourite song?

BB#1: “Free Byrd” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.

BB#2: I don’t know what it’s called but it’s like “na-na-na-na”. (note: we eventually determined it is: “Boom Clap” by Charli XCX).

11. What is your favourite book?

BB#1: Hatchet by Gary Paulsen.

BB#2: I don’t really have one.

12. Who is your best friend?

BB#1: Nicolas.

BB#2: Cole.

13. What is your favourite sport?

BB#1: Football (“American”).

BB#2: Riding my bike.

 14. What is your favourite thing to do outside?

BB#1: Talk and play with my friends.

BB#2: Ride my bike.

15. What is your favourite drink?

BB#1: Cherry soda. [note: not sure he’s ever had this…]

BB#2: I don’t have one.

16. What is your favourite holiday?

BB#1: Bro Day [note: this holiday is currently exclusive to him and his “bros”].

BB#2: Halloween.

17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?

BB#1: Books.

BB#2: A book. I would want to take my bike.

18. What is your favourite thing to eat for breakfast?

BB#1: Egg sandwich, I think we all know that.

BB#2: Pancakes or crepes.

19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?

BB#1: Ribs. [note: we had ribs]

BB#2: Shish kebabs.

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?

BB#1: My plan is to be a snowboarder and to just get a lot of money and then with all that money I want to start up a company that sells stuff that I want to invent.

BB#2: A singer, a racer and an inventor. [note: he’s mentioned singer now a couple times, aside from the fact he really doesn’t sing very often…]


Filed under my kid just said, parenting, random, the beautiful boys, Uncategorized

My Kid Just Said (Part 36)

“Now that I know how reading feels, I do it all the time!” BB#2, 6.5 years old, backing up his brother as he tried to convince a friend to read more books.


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Filed under education, my kid just said, reading, the beautiful boys

My Kid Just Said (Part 35)

“I would answer it’s ‘possible’ that ‘Superman will fly through our classroom’, because what if they were filming a Superman movie near the school, and the guy playing Superman came through the window? It could happen.” BB#1, almost 10 years old, while completing his math homework.

It is likely Probability is not going to be his highest report card mark…

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Filed under education, my kid just said, schools, teaching, the beautiful boys

My Kid Just Said (Part 34)

“We had to make a prediction about whether or not the animal in the story would survive, and I said yes, because these guided reading books never end in tragedy.” BB#1, 9.5 years old.

I suspect he’s right about that…

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Filed under education, my kid just said, publishing, random, reading, schools, teaching, the beautiful boys

My Kid Just Said (Part 33)

“I almost said the F-word over that one!” BB#2, 6 years old, after spilling milk on the couch.

Me too, buddy. Me too.

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Filed under my kid just said, random, the beautiful boys

My Kid Just Said (Part 32)

“What is the other name for Santa again? Nick Fury or something?” BB#1, 9 years old.

Clearly we have failed in our Christmas teachings.

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Filed under my kid just said, parenting, random, the beautiful boys, traditions